Transferable – Embedding Skills

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Embedding Skills is Transferable

Academic perceptions

“It means, to me, that whatever items of coursework, projects, presentations etc that we ask students to do (in relation to specific learning outcomes or assessment criteria) they will also help develop key/transferable skills, ideally as a consciously designed element of pedagogy in relation to previous, adjacent and subsequent tasks.”
“It refers to a path towards cultural change where the ‘skills’ are eventually ‘taken for granted’ by the students after applying them as part of academic study. As an example, use of computers to search for information is taught to students as part of their course but is not the prime focus. This is a transferable skill that may be invoked during any subsequent part of their study.”
“It means identifying skills such as using the library and internet, seeking material on a topic, using it in academic work, quoting from it appropriately and using the Harvard referencing system within a module which is compulsory but not specifically called ‘study skills’. So they learn the skill in context such as studying social policy. The challenge is to repeat the skill in another context.”
“The word ‘skills’ to me, always makes me think of something that can be used at a later date in employment, after the student has graduated…we should, (but in many cases don’t) highlight the need for cross-transferable skills in our modules and record what they are (for PDP purposes). Things like critical thinking, problem solving, initiative, planning, collaboration etc.”
“Knowledge – learning – application – confidence – your skills allow you to build on forming an identity to enable you to form a broader career prospects with confidence.”


Learner Developers’ views

Skills are often relegated to ‘ lower order activity’ but can we separate skills from content?
Consciously designed element of pedagogy for learning design > How? -  planning;  critical thinking;  problem solving  > repeat in another context. (If this isn’t done deliberately and clearly, step by step, the ‘transfer’ won’t happen!)
In context > Reflecting; Identifying; Articulating; Applying
Link employability and self-actualisation